AUDIBLE is an ongoing audiovisual project series by Ania Reynolds and Carl Polke of kaleidoscopic audiovisual portraits of place featuring compositions created entirely from field recordings gathered on location, accompanied by psychedelic audio-responsive visuals similarly created from footage (videos and photographs) specific to the subject location.

Check out directors Ania Reynolds and Carl Polke's podcast interview with WILDSound's Matthew Toffolo here online and on Apple Podcasts.
Read their interview about their award-winning film with festival director Matthew Toffolo here.
Audible Lockdown is an audiovisual work created in collaboration with Carl Polke for the Australian Music Centre's 2020 Peggy Glanville-Hicks Commissions initiative. The work is a sonic portrait of the city of Melbourne during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, investigating how pandemic lockdown has shifted the underlying sounds and sonic character of the city. A suite of compositions, made entirely of field recordings taken throughout the Melbourne CBD during lockdown and reimagining different locations within the city, form a rich sonic journey through the city streets, with accompanying visuals by Ania. Audible Lockdown received won the Best Short Film Award at the 2021 Experimental, Dance and Music Film Festival, and received an Honorable Mention as a Semi-Finalist in the Prague International Indie Film Festival.
AUDIBLE LISBON is the latest work in the Audible Series, created in August 2023 at the international artist residency program at Hangar Centre for Artistic Investigation in Lisbon, Portugal, and presented as a projection show at the Hangar Open Day. AUDIBLE LISBON notably features compositions gathered from sounds recorded under the two famous bridges of Lisbon, Ponte de Vasco de Gama and Ponte 25 de Abril.
Created for the 2021 Melbourne Fringe Festival, supported by Melbourne Fringe's Show Support program. A psychedelic audiovisual journey through the public toilets of Melbourne’s northern suburbs, by Ania Reynolds and Carl Polke.
Rad.I.Us 5K
Rad.I.Us 5K was created for the Make It Up Club's Online Concert #29. In a format similar to Audible Lockdown it features compositions and visuals created from field recordings and footage taken within the 5km radius limit of the artists' home suburb of Coburg during the Melbourne Stage 4 lockdown. (View the full MIUC Online Concert #29 here. ) |
For the first work in her This City This Sound series Ania travelled to Rio de Janeiro as as an artist in residence as part of the Despina Residency Program. Her resulting installation, Música de Coco, was first exhibited at Senado Tomado, Despina's monthly open studio event, in July 2019. Música de Coco was subsequently presented at Desvio, Centro, Rio de Janeiro. Hear Ania talking about This City This Sound on The Drawing Room with Patricia Karvelas on Radio National. |